St. Mary’s Fraternity, Order of Franciscans Secular, is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Local fraternities are organized into regions. Our region, which includes B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, is called Our Lady of the Angels. It is one of thirteen regions in Canada, organized under the National Fraternity of Canada.
Our local fraternity, St. Mary’s, was established in 1925 by Monsignor John S. Smith, who served faithfully as Rector of St. Mary’s Cathedral for 42 years.
Members of St. Mary’s Fraternity come from Parishes throughout the Calgary Diocese. We meet either the third or fourth Sunday of every month (except for July and August, when there are no meetings). Our meetings take place at Canadian Martyr’s Catholic Church, 835 Northmount Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta. Ongoing Formation Group Study begins at 12:30 p.m., followed by our regular meetings at 1:45 p.m. which include presentations on Christian spiritual and social issues, discussions of readings on Franciscan spirituality, Liturgical Prayer, and time to encourage and uphold each other. Throughout the year, we also have celebrations, speakers, potlucks, retreats and special Masses. New classes for “Inquirers” are beginning regularly. For more information, please email us through our “Contact Us” page.
Minister: Erika Bancila
V. Minister: Murdoch McLeod
Secretary: Robert Lowther
Treasurer: Louisa Gagne
Director of Formation: Heather Schilling
Spiritual Assistant: Fr. Dan Gurnick, OFM