On the Integrity of Creation
by Ron Semenoff OFS, J.P.I.C. Animator for St. Mary’s Fraternity As Franciscans, we members of the O.F.S., are called into a special relationship with all of God’s creation. As Article 11 of our rules states: “Let the Secular Franciscan seek a proper spirit of detachment from all temporal goods by simplifying their own material needs. Let them be mindful that according to the gospel they are stewards of the goods received for the benefit of God’s children.” Our relationship...
Read MoreOn Justice and Peace
By Ron Semenoff OFS, J.P.I.C. Animator for St. Mary’s Fraternity As Franciscans we are called to live in a spirit of Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC). In our Rule of Life we read in Article 4: “The rule and life of the Secular Franciscans is this: to observe the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ by following the example of Saint Francis of Assisi, who made Christ the inspiration and the center of his life with God and people. Christ, the gift of the Father’s...
Read MoreA Reflection on Living the Spirituality of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
by Ron Semenoff OFS, JPIC Animator, St. Mary’s Fraternity INTRODUCTION Over the past short while I have had the pleasure of examining three pivotal works within our Franciscan family on gaining an understanding of what it means for us to have a spirituality of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation. These works include two works written especially for the Friars Minor, “Pilgrims and Strangers in this World: Resource for Ongoing Formation, From Chapter IV of the OFM General...
Read MoreLetter From Friar Louis – May 2013
Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis and Clare, The Lord has truly risen, alleluia! There is cause for rejoicing here and we are glad: for this is the day the Lord has made! I am sure that St. Francis and all his brothers and sisters joyfully took these words of Peter to heart: “Praised be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us new birth; a birth unto hope which draws its life from the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead; a birth to the...
Read MoreLetter from Friar Louis – Lent 2013
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, All too quickly the Church’s Ordinary Time slips into the Season of Lent that will culminate with the Victory of the Resurrection of our Savior on March 31st 2013. The purpose of Lent is twofold: First, it is an opportunity for us to renew and relive our Baptism, which is a celebration of First Conversion for cradle Catholics or for those who have entered the community of faith later in life through the R.C.I.A It is fitting to reflect on the meaning...
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