Dear Sisters and Brothers in St. Francis and Clare,
As we come to celebrate the solemnity of Christ’s birth we would do well to go back in history and join the shepherds of whom the gospel speaks. We too need to go to Bethlehem and see as we have never seen before this thing that has come to pass which the Lord has made known to us. What began in the quiet stillness of that first Christmas night has continued down through the centuries. It exists in our own time, for in the words of the prophet Isaiah: “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shown.”
Francis and his brothers were more and more aware of them meaning and significance of Bethlehem that was so beautifully and ardently reenacted at the little Italian town of Greccio that winter’s night. Indeed it was a taste of heaven that told of all God’s wonderful works among the people who had grown lukewarm in their faith. Celano remarked that many saw a vision of a child come to life in Francis’ arms. This vision was not unfitting, for the child had been forgotten in the hearts of many, but by the working of his grace, he was brought to life again through St. Francis and stamped upon their fervent memories. Francis used very concrete means to awaken faith in the lives of the people. This incarnational approach is central to our Franciscan heritage as we appreciate the deeper meaning of Christmas, which must be looked upon as the supreme manifestation of God’s care for the human race – as it is.
May the miracle of the Christmas season always fill your hearts, home, and life with the blessings, joy and peace that are so special for all our brothers and sisters at this time of year.
Friar Louis Geelan, O. F. M
1. In what Franciscan ways do I share my Christmas vision and faith with those I meet each day in my home, work place and times of leisure?
2. How do I share my Gospel way of life in the fraternity, parish and out in the secular world?